Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Internship Readiness

Someone who is internship ready doesn’t have a problem with maintaining the little skills. For example, time management would not be an issue as well as taking initiative and being accountable. Some qualities a person who is internship ready demonstrates a positive attitude always, is punctual, engages in class discussions/participates actively and shows that he or she is ready and willing to learn. Entering this new module I will “step my game up”, I have gotten comfortable in the program and forgotten that since day 1 the interview has begun. One growth area that I have gotten feedback in was my participation in class and join discussions more often. I will start to take initiative and work on my leadership roles so I can work to my full potential. I believe I have a great attitude and am very easy to get along with, but I let my quietness/shyness get the best of me. I believe my lack of participation affects my low energy in class so I will convert on that feedback hoping it will do some progress.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Experience At Compass Family Resource Center

The best job I have ever had was working as a intern at Compass Family Resource Center (CFRC). Till this day I still consider working at CFRC my dream job. After internship I would have got hired as a part time employee but they did not have the funds to support this. My duties at CFRC consisted of working with pre-school age children while their parents attended workshops or other services, help setup the structure for family development classes, help translate, assist the front desk receptionist as needed this included: answering phone calls/ filing paperwork / distributing mail, creating flyers for different events, and helping with drop-in hours twice a week.  I enjoyed working at this job because I interacted with many people throughout the day especially children, I love kids. Some things that I did not enjoy was so much leisure time I had. When the office was busy it was super busy, everything would be fast pace, but when the office was slow I would run out of things to do and be bored much of the time. I enjoyed all my responsibility’s working there except for being the one who needed to translate an unpleasant message to a client. I was stuck as being the one receiving all the negative emotions when I was strictly just doing my job. The skills that I learned and I believe will be useful for me are communication skills, I believe if I am placed in the IT track this this skill will help me handle clients during ticketing. I also believe I can use time management as a valuable skill in my internship, so I prioritize getting tasks done.